In my experience, prescription drugs can ‘manage’ skin conditions but cannot offer a long-term cure. Exquis Ultra Moisturizer provides that alternative. ~Hanna Rice

Anyone suffering from dry skin – or skin ailments in general – knows that this is a bedeviling condition. Dermatitis causes considerable discomfort from extreme dryness and itching, and can be quite unsightly as skin becomes raw, scaly or inflamed. The search for solution to this persistent problem can be a long one. Dermatologists often admit that there is not much that can be done to confront conditions like dermatitis, psoriasis and eczema. In my experience, prescription drugs can ‘manage’ skin conditions but cannot offer a long-term cure. This is a frustrating prognosis: patients are left with little choice but to use drugs for extended periods or risk the return of their symptoms. What is needed is alternative that controls symptoms without the adverse side effects that drugs incur. Exquis Ultra Moisturizer provides that alternative.

I noticed a significant improvement in eczema symptoms while using Exquis: the cream immediately calmed irritated skin, and after only a few uses my skin became moister and areas of redness and dryness disappeared. These rapid results were better than any prescription I had tried, not least because Exquis products are plant based, and contains none of the ingredients that carry a risk for harmful side effects. They are worth exploring for anyone who is searching for an alternative method for treating pernicious skin ailments.
~Hanna Rice